Update!!!! Change is the order of the day....

03/02/2021 11:28

Change is the Order of the Day - Change is a constant force within the lives of each and every Soul currently incarnated upon our beloved Earth, which we know as our home.

I have not actively sat and become one with my physical/spiritual aspect, my Soul, for sometime. Life needed my full attention elsewhere, supporting my dearest Mother whom has sadly departed from this physical plane. Once again, I have been feeling the urge to sit quietly and put my pen to paper, to share with others this current chapter of my journey through this 'Vale of Tears and Illusion' (Maya). 

Although I have not been updating these pages for the past few years, many searching Souls have visited the site, not in their thousands as was the case a few years ago but still in their hundeds, each day. This gives me hope that humanity are still actively searching for Light in their lives and for the Truth, which is to be found for the 'earnest seeker of truth' of which there are many today. 

These times of constant change brought forth by those 'fear mongers' who have been placed in 'positions of power' by we, the people, but serve those who believe themselves to be above, not only the Laws of the Land and the Univrse, but of God, The Creator of all that has been made manifest. Their plans have challenged all those 'Seekers and Workers of the Light' whose numbers grow daily. Have faith dear ones, have faith, for their plan(s) will be the very cause of their 'Fall from Power'!!!

God, The Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being will not desert his 'Children of the Light'. He and his Army of Followers are busy working, every of them, working to bringing humanity out of the Darkness and into the Light. The 'powers of darkness' are aware that the Battle is in full progress and they are, themselves, fearful and know they will be overcome, they know that Love and Light will prevail and will rule this Planet,  our beloved Earth as it was always meant to be ruled - In Peace, Love and Light. Blessed Be. Pax. 
