
Daily Insights

Daily Insights from the Spirit Within - taken from meditations throughout 1989 onwards.   NOTE - 16.05.2012 As you are aware I set up this webpage as a result of an impulsive thought and I suddenly realised that to continue posting Daily Insights once my supply from 1989 onwards had...


A selection of Poems by Diane Morgan

2012 and beyond

Articles - 1. 2012 and Beyond / 2. Introducing The Great or Platonic Year /

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

A short overview of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Further Articles: 1. The Eight Limbs of Yoga / 2. Meditation Exercises /

Tai -Chi and Yoga

Articles - 1. Daily Ritual for A Calmer, More Productive Day / 2. Twenty minutes is all it takes / 3. The Aura and Chakras / 4. How is it going /


Articles - 1. Pyramids on the Canary Island of Tenerife / 2. Pyramids of Giza, Planetary line up 3rd December 2012  /


I will be adding introductory articles on a number of  therapies. Articles:  1. Reflexology / 2.  Aromatherapy / 3. Introduction to Spiritual Healing

Automatic Writing with A Tibetan

Articles: 1. Ground Work /

The Great Invocation

https://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/the_great_invocation__1 The Great Invocation was released by The Lucis Trust as a Mantram / World Prayer for the New Age and for the whole of humanity to use. For more information use the link above to go to the Lucis Trust webpage.

The One becomes the three and the Three becomes the Four. - The Merkaba

A short work on the building of the Merkaba - the time/space  vehicle, better known as the Auric Field.  

The Five Initiation taken by the Master Jesus who came to show the way to Mankind.

A short work on the Five Initiation undertaken by the Master Jesus who came to Earth to show Mankind the Way - the Return Path and the Initiations they will need to complete to become a 'True Son or Daughter of God'.

The mind in chaos....

The mind in chaos - is a mind that is not focussed, thoughts are random and often counter-productive. The mind aspect works best when focussed upon one point, one action - as action always follows a thought. When you find your mind is in that state of chaos, filled with thoughts that appear to...