11.04.89 - Desire

03/04/2012 22:37


11.04.89  -  DESIRE

Desire means 'to want', not just to want in an every day sense, but with a great intensity.   We can desire many things, from objects to people.  If not kept under control this desire  can become  a  ruling, or at least, a great driving force in  ones life,  often  railroading all  finer  feelings  and  instincts.

We say 'our hearts desire', but really it is more often 'our mind or emotional desire', often lustful, selfish, perhaps even self destructive.

When  we are  desirous of something it  can  make us  extremely  single minded and  I  mean  extremely so, as we do  often become blind to everything and  everyone,  other  than  the  object of our desire.

Desire is not always a negative feeling.  We can desire to serve our fellowman, desire to serve the Creator of all life, with single-mindedness.  This is admirable, but with balance as to turn ones back on all other things is not so admirable.

When desire as an emotion enters into our lives we must learn to become balanced, to analyse our desire and put it into its right perspective.  Desire need not be destructive in its nature -  it can be a very constructive energy, when correctly channelled.

We call  desire an  energy  because  like  everything  else  around us, be it  animate or inanimate, it is an energy, to be  used as we see necessary within each situation.  Desire, directed correctly can move mountains.

Desire to serve should be each individuals ideal, but not in an over-zealous fashion. 


