Update!!!! Change is inevitable....

05/02/2021 11:06
Change is inevitable - we spoke of this a short time ago. Nothing in life is permament, nothing is forever. The energies of life, of which we are a part are constantly moving and changing one's reality. How each one interacts with these Universal energies is different, unique, therefore, the resultant changes will be different and unique to the individual.  

How does one remain centred, allowing these energies to flow freely and to move freely through their day to day reality? How does one remain calm in the midst of so much change? By letting go of the old ties, those old programmes one should have let go of, those old thoughts, patterns and rituals that one is unaware of that underpin our very being-ness. The secret  is simply to let go (of these habits) and allow life to flow. If you become aware of an old pattern pinning you to a situation try to let it go, try to allow the situation to open up to new solutions that will bring in change, allowing the energy of change to flow. By being present in the moment, making no judgement and moving forward allowing the new, next moment to unfold. Change is not easy, it is not comfortable but it is inevitable, it is constant. Fighting change uses up precious energy. There are three forces ever present in life -  We Create, We Maintan, We Destroy; We are born, We live, We die. Throughout life we create a situation like a home, a job, a relationship, we then live with this creation - we maintain it, finally we want to change it and put something new in its place, so we destroy it to enable a new creation into our lives. This is how life flows, this is normal. This pattern repeats itself as we journey along our chosen path that is called 'life'. Resistance to change is futile and painful. Learn to be stand like the tree which has learned to bend by the will of the winds of change, it stands strong and does not break. Blessed Be. Pax.
