Choices are made in every moment....

01/03/2021 14:26

Choices are made in every moment, most of these choices are made from an unconscious level of awareness. Choices are made as a result of one's internal programming - which most people are totally unaware of. These internal programmes start formulating as soon as the newly born infant opens up it's eyes and the first cry is made. The infant starts to learn what actions help them to achieve their desire/objective and what does not, likes and dislikes according to the level of pleasure or not the action achieves. Likes and dislikes and all that is taught by parents and family members, what is presented and taught in school all leave deep grooves of programming; one's schooling accounts for a great deal of one's internal programming along with the books one reads and the poeple one interacts with. Internal programming makes deep grooves in the mind such as those found on an old vinyl record, some of which help but most will probably hinder. Undoing, or replacing these faulty or outdated grooves of internal understanding is no easy matter, but it is achievable once one becomes aware of one's own instinctive automatic patterns/grooves of judgement which leads to action. If one feels that one's reactions/actions are no longer appropriate -  then it time to change. Awareness in each moment is necessary, slowly make those changes that will make a difference. Make every decision one's own in every moment, do not make new decisions using old, faulty programming put in place by others. it is time to be true to oneself, each of us has 'freewill'. Our Creator did not mean for us to act/react like Artificial Intelligent Robots! Think first, then react in accordance with one's current understanding, for each one has changed and transformed into a wiser, more knowing individual, for change is the only reality, change is an essential part of Universal Life. Stand strong and firm in the face of change, each be true to oneself and one's understanding. Be the change for a better understanding of the World, it's true nature and the true nature of humanity. Be the Light and the Pathfinder, others will follow. Blessed Be. PAX. ©️.
