Easter Greetings

06/04/2012 09:00


Easter Greetings
Today is Good Friday and even if you are not a Christian, it is still a good day to sit and look within, to explore the spiritual aspect of your nature. The journey we all find ourselves on is one of Soul Growth.

'Jesus the Man', whom I believe achieved a level of consciousness that I call the 'Christ Consciousness' was also on the same journey. It would appear that he was more connected to the Soul within than the normal human being, and also to the part that he was to play within 'The Plan'. As he become more connected to the Divine Spark - the eternal Soul within he became 'Jesus, The Christed Being'. As Guatama Buddha achieved his Buddhahood when he achieved, re-connected with the Buddhic level of consciousness.

The final oputcome of our personal Soul journey is to reconnect with the Christ Consciousness. Jesus told us that 'these things you can do and greater', he came to show us the way, to become the Enlightened Being that we are at our source. So let your light shine this Easter and spend a few moments exploring the inner levels of your being.


