Taking a Stand.....

08/02/2021 23:57

Taking a stand, making choices and decisions are so much a part of one's daily life that often these choices leading to decisions are made automatically, without conscious thought, following old, deeply rooted programs. We are all creatures of habit, we follow the path most travelled in faith and trust. It is time to recognise the need to look more closely at every situation that presents itself, for upon closer inspection it may surprise you when you realise that you no longer, actually believe what the old program is supporting. Of course it is hard to walk away from what and who we know and trust, but the truth is that there are times in life where we discover we have changed. The old programs no longer fit into the new perspectives that have crept in without us fully realising this fact. It may mean letting go of friends with whom you are no longer in true harmony. It may be your work situation that no longer feeds you. Whenever one finds this discord, it indicates change is necessary. Growth is natural, as one learns more, the newly found knowledge brings about changes in one's approach to life's situations and to the people around one. Making these new choices may take you away from friends and places - but the spaces/voids that are left will soon be filled by new people/places/situations that are fully supportive and in harmony with your newly acquired realisations. Allow the Soul within to guide you, listen to the still small voice the whisper in the quietness of your mind to lead you forward. Do not fear making decisions or making choices, be courageous, be the Spiritual Warrior that you are. Blessed Be. Pax.
