Article archive

Smile, say hello to each person you pass by today, share a little joy as you go about your day. Smiling uses less energy than a frown does!

10/02/2021 22:03

Service - Not Self.....

10/02/2021 22:01
Service - Not Self, it is a natural instinct to think first of oneself and then of others. It comes from that very basic instinct we call survival, survival of the self and then survival of the species. Humanity is by nature 'self-centred', this does not necessarily mean 'selfish'. For if one does...

Service - Not Self.....

10/02/2021 21:24
Service - Not Self, it is a natural instinct to think first of oneself and then of others. It comes from that very basic instinct we call survival, survival of the self and then survival of the species. Humanity is by nature 'self-centred', this does not necessarily mean 'selfish'. For if one does...

Today remember that you are a point of shining beauty upon this planet Earth, your home. Shine brightly so others can see the light and love that you are!

10/02/2021 00:31

Commitment to One's Soul Purpose.....

09/02/2021 22:53
Commitment to one's Soul purpose - for first and foremost you are an eternal spark of divine consciousness, called the Soul, which is currently inhabiting a physical body. You are made of the stars and the earth and are wonderful beings. One's first commitment should be to the indwelling spark of...

Commitment to One's Soul Purpose.....

09/02/2021 22:30
Commitment to one's Soul purpose - for first and foremost you are an eternal spark of divine consciousness, called the Soul, which is currently inhabiting a physical body. You are made of the stars and the earth and are wonderful beings. One's first commitment should be to the indwelling spark of...

Stand firm today in the knowledge that you are a child of the One true Creator. You are loved beyond measure.

09/02/2021 00:27

Taking a Stand.....

08/02/2021 23:57
Taking a stand, making choices and decisions are so much a part of one's daily life that often these choices leading to decisions are made automatically, without conscious thought, following old, deeply rooted programs. We are all creatures of habit, we follow the path most travelled in faith and...

Taking a stand....

08/02/2021 23:26
Taking a stand, making choices and decisions are so much a part of one's daily life that often these choices leading to decisions are made automatically, without conscious thought, following old, deeply rooted programs. We are all creatures of habit, we follow the path most travelled in faith and...

It is hard to remain calm when everything you attempt goes awry. Stay centred, stay calm, count to 10 and let the forces of life flow.

08/02/2021 01:15