File 2


'Look around you today for your inspiration, it comes from the most unexpected of places'.....
24/01/2016 20:57

'Send out your love and light across the face of Mother Earth to join that of other lightworkers to help build up a network of love and light to shine in the darkest corners of the world'.....

17/01/2016 22:51

'When your source of inspiration goes quiet, you have to rely on the spirit within for guidance and trust'........

16/01/2016 23:13
'When one around you is feeling low, vulnerable and is in need of support be the one to hold out your hand and be there for them'......
14/01/2016 20:18
'Some days your energy levels will be low and on these days you will need to put your needs first to rebuild your energy field'.....
12/01/2016 21:40
‘When you have the opportunity to help those around you do so with an open heart’......
09/01/2016 23:40
'Look out for the synchroicity in your life - it will surprise you how random experiences are bound together by one single experience'.....
08/01/2016 21:13
'On those times when you feel fearful, call upon the powers of light and love - the darkness will dissipate for it cannot stand in the brilliance of light and love'.....
06/01/2016 23:40
'If each person lived their life to the highest standards possible then there would be no more pain upon the Earth Plane'.....
04/01/2016 22:48
'You are each playing your part in great drama called life, make each day count'.....
03/01/2016 22:43
'Walk tall and know that you are Loved and that you will are never alone'.......
02/01/2016 23:07
'We have now entered the new energies of a new year, as you start your journey through 2016 be open to the Love and Light that surrounds you and let it fill your whole being and guide you as you walk along your chosen path'.....
01/01/2016 21:46
'Be open to the light that surrounds you, fill your auric field with it and then let it shine forth -become a Beacon of Love and Light for those around you'......
29/12/2015 22:41
'Hold out your hand to help another who is in need of a helping hand, in doing so you will also be helping yourself'......
28/12/2015 22:19
'Life is about being present in each moment and following the prompting of the still small voice within'.....
27/12/2015 23:22
'It would be great if one could find the time and space to reflect upon the year which will soon draw to a close and take note of what has helped to bring about the greatest growth'....
26/12/2015 23:51
24/12/2015 23:50
Love and Light along with Peace, Joy and Soul Growth are my wishes for each and everyone reading this note. It is almost Christmas Day here in the UK and I wish each and everyone a Very Merry Christmas and hope that your day is filled with love. If it is at all possible it would be good for each...
'Send out your loving prayers to those who are suffering as a result of Ego and Oppression upon this, our beautiful home, planet Earth'.....
23/12/2015 10:15
'Be thankful for those little things that happen that end up making a big impact on your life'......
21/12/2015 21:55
'Look at your motives, are you doing things to further your own ambitions or are you looking to help others'.....
No internet access!!!!
16/12/2015 00:06
Hi, I will be not have access to the internet until the end of the weekend so will not be updating the website until Sunday. My appologies, but it beyond my control. Love annd Light, Diane
'Some days the needs of others seems to take priority, just do the best you can to be of support and then when the time is right move onto your own projects'.....
15/12/2015 22:13
Look at your motives, are you doing things to further your own ambitions or are you looking to help others'.....
14/12/2015 22:19
'Spend some time thinking about the Spirit of Christmas and what it means to you personally'......
13/12/2015 23:08
'Let the spirit of goodwill be your guiding force today and everyday'.....
12/12/2015 22:46
'Be open to the inspired thoughts and follow them through to a conclusion whenever possible'.....
11/12/2015 21:09
'Each new day brings with it new lessons and experiences - be open and embrace them'.....
10/12/2015 22:35
'Life is what is happening NOW, not what has gone or what is to come - Be present in the moment and live life to the full'.....
09/12/2015 23:03
'Look for the light and love within those you meet today and every day - they are reflection of the Creator'.....
07/12/2015 21:54
'Be kind to those you meet along the way and remember like attracts like'.....
06/12/2015 09:51
'If you have a question to ask do not look outside yourself, the answer lies within and can be accessed at any time'.....
05/12/2015 22:02
'With a little planning, flexibility and faith in oneself all ones plans can be realised'.....
03/12/2015 20:21
'Fear and control are both negative and archaic energies and humanity must find the strength and courage to walk into lighter and more positive vibrations'.....
02/12/2015 23:14
'Have the courage to follow your instincts for they come from your highèr self'....
01/12/2015 23:30

''Honour your belief system for it is what makes you strong'....

30/11/21015 23:19

'Be aware of your thoughts, for they are living things - stay positive do not allow negativity to enter in your thinking'.....
29/11/2015 21:04
'Hard work, focusing on the job in hand keeps negative thoughts at bay'.....
28/11/2015 23:14

'Do the best you can in every moment and you will reach your goals'....

27/11/2015 23:16

'Let the little things that happen daily bring joy into your life'.......
26/11/2015 21:18
'Never doubt that you are loved and that you have a part to play in the drama called life'.......
24/11/2015 20:18
'When one is focused and at peace on all levels then life becomes much more productive'........
23/11/2015 20:31
'Be there for those you love and be as helpful as you can be, giving without counting the cost'.....
04/10/2015 00:04
'At all times honour yourself and align with the Soul within - your true Self'.......
01/10/2015 21:04
'If you suddenly find that it is hard to sit within the Silence - know that it is not a permanent state of being and be happy within each moment'.....
01/10/2015 00:54
'Sometimes one's everyday life takes over and one feels that the spiritual aspects are being ignored, this is not so for in truth all aspects of life are of the spirit'....
26/09/2015 20:09
'Friends are as important as family members - each has their part to play in your journey as you do in theirs'.....
21/09/2015 23:34
'Listen to the still small voice within before making life changing decisions, it knows what the next step is and what is required. Do not take false leads from the ego/personality aspect'.....
18/09/2015 22:51
'Embrace the joys found within the midst of daily life - you do not have to search for it because it surrounds you in abundance'......
16/09/2015 19:42
'Welcome family and friends when they call unexpectedly, embrace the time spent together and feel the love shared'.....
15/09/2015 19:17
'Look for the angel in each one you meet today'.......
14/09/2015 19:27
'It is a good thing that the future remains shrouded in mist, one should be focused and centred on the present moment'.....
13/09/2015 18:33
'Hold your hand out and help those you meet today if they look as though they could use some help and support and smile'.....
10/09/2015 22:59
'Lay your burdens down at the feet of the Creator and ask for help and support - if you do not ask for help you will not receive it'......
09/09/2015 21:30
'Tackle your tasks with vigour and they will be completed before you know it - then you can relax and enjoy the rest of the day'.....
08/09/2015 22:43
'Respect others and they will return that respect tenfold'......
06/09/2015 21:33
'Smile at those you meet today and share a friendly word where possible,'.....
05/09/2015 18:59
'When a loved returns to the world of Spirit there will be a space in one's heart that can not be filled by another - do not be sad, go into that space and remember all the good times shared '....
04/09/2015 22:27
'As an aspect of the One you have the ability to withdraw into the silence of the Source at any time, in any place'.....
29/08/2015 21:44
'Life is what happens when you are thinking about it, so do not waste it'.....
28/08/2015 21:44
'Sometimes it may seem that the plans made are falling apart, have faith that if this occurs it is for a reason and everything will turn out as it should'.....
27/08/2015 22:01
'Do not listen to insidious gossip for it is often started just to create fear'......
26/08/2015 22:58
'Forward preparation is important it helps the project in hand to move forward without problems'.....
25/08/2015 21:35
'When you know what it is that you need to do, do not be surprised when everything falls into place - you are in touch with the universal force which underlies all of creation'.....
23/08/2015 20:34
'Caring and sharing with those you meet within all levels of life will bring many rewards, some obvious and some not so obvious'......
22/08/2015 22:14
'When you wake up feeling blue just spring into action and your energy will change and lift'.......
21/08/2015 21:54
'Each day will bring with lessons that one must work with - there is no place to hide, so get stuck in'.....
20/08/2015 21:19
'Fact or fiction, one must look for information to prove or disprove history'.....
19/08/2015 23:09
'When a job needs to be done, do not hesitate and put it off for tomorrow - just get on in there and complete it'.....
18/08/2015 22:12

'Just spent time with people I had known almost 50 years and found we could still connect as we had a common thread that tied us together - look for these threads in your own life'......

17/08/2015 20:12

'Life is about being in the moment and sharing love with those you meet along the way'.......
14/08/2015 23:22
'Reconnecting with those from one's past can be both healing and painful - be open and grow from this valuable experience'.....
13/08/2015 21:30
'Spending time with friends one has not seen for some time will bring great pleasure and will strengthen the ties of friendship'......
12/08/2015 23:27
'When you keep getting that same thought it is time to act upon it'......
11/08/2015 23:14
'It is good to feel motivated, just by taking that first step can be most empowering'.....
10/08/2015 22:13
'Strength of character can be both physical and spiritual as well as being positive or negative in nature'.....
09/08/2015 21:52
'Listen to the thoughts that enter into the mind - for some may be from the Soul within and may need your full attention'.....
08/08/2015 23:33
'When strange things happen without warning - ask the Soul within to help you to understand just what is happening'.......
07/08/2015 23:09
'It is good to be open and honest with those you are close to - sharing worries and problems helps one find solutions and answers'.......
06/08/2015 20:48
'No one person has all the answers, if someone you know thinks they have - then keep your own counsel'......
05/08/2015 22:17
'Communication is necessary to avoid future problems and mis-understandings'.....
04/08/2015 21:41
'Step by step, slowly progress is made'.....
03/08/2015 23:45
'Trust only that which you receive yourself from the Soul within, test everything else that is presented'......
02/08/2015 22:31
'Take care when sharing with others, for they may not have the same understanding as yourself and difficulties may arise'......
01/08/2015 21:56
'Do not let your concentration drop, stay focused and centred and much will be achieved'.....
31/07/2015 23:05
'Find time for yourself today - you also need to be nurtured and loved'.....
30/07/2015 22:53
'Try not to panic when making decisions, it is better to stop and check all the facts first then decide'......
29/07/2015 22:25
'Having 'Faith' and 'Trust' in one's own intuitive thoughts takes strength of character and courage - be true to yourself at all times'.....
28/07/2015 22:20
'When tiredness overcomes it is time to nurture yourself and take time out'.....
27/07/2015 20:39
'Each day is filled with small blessings which we often overlook - be aware of the blessings today and every day'.....
25/07/2015 23:38
'It is better to face difficult tasks head on instead of side stepping and putting them to one side'.....
24/07/2015 22:56
'Try to remain calm whenever those around you are getting angry, it could help to defuse a difficult situation'.....
22/07/2015 19:13
'Change is a constant in ones life, movement means change, there is nothing to fear about change'......
20/07/2015 21:28
'True friendships survive long periods of separation'........
19/07/2015 13:39
'Stend firm within the strengh of your personal understanding, but be open to change if there are new facts being presented'.....
18/07/2015 19:28
'Stend firm within the strengh of your personal understanding, but be open to change if there are new facts being presented'.....
18/07/2015 19:28
'Think before speaking, try not to draw up conclusions, find out the facts first'.....
17/07/2015 14:13
'Recognise the areas in which you are strong and those in which you are weak and you will achieve more'.....
15/07/2015 19:55
'Do not listen to idle gossip for therein lies pain and suffering'....
15/07/2015 19:35
'Treat each one you meet upon your jouŕney as ýou wou.ld like to be treated'.....
14/07/2015 17:08
'Reach for the stars today - for you are capable of achieving greatness, for you are a Child of God'......
13/07/2015 15:59
'The Universe will bring forward all you need for the next stage of your journey - be open and vigilant'......
11/07/2015 21:30
'Remember what you spend time doing today results in seeds being planted in the future'.....
11/07/2015 18:05
'Laugh inn the sunshine and dance in tbe rain - enjoy each moment'.....
10/07/2015 17:44
'Laugh inn the sunshine and dance in tbe rain - enjoy each moment'.....
10/07/2015 17:44
'To feel joy, sadness, pain or upliftment you have to be alive - give thanks'.....
09/07/2015 21:19
'Your friends are like your foundation stones, find ones that are honest and true'.......
08/07/2015 19:26
'Being in the moment allows one to make the most of any opportunity that preents itself'......
07/07/2015 19:21
'Today, try to love everyone you meet - look for the light of the Divine within each of them'.......
06/07/2015 14:26
'Treat those you meet today with an open heart and a smiling face'.....
05/07/2015 21:30
'Hold out a helping hand today and you will be repaid tenfold'.....
03/07/2015 22:35
'When one follows the inner bidding of the Soul then life flows smoothly'.....
02/07/2015 22:36
'Be there for those you love in their moments of need, and also be there for those you meet along the way'......
01/07/2015 21:37
'Coincidence or Synchronicity - look at what the universe is presenting before taking a step forward'.....
30/06/2015 23:10
'Send out your intent clearly and the Universe will bring forward what is required'.....
29/06/2015 22:01
'Sometimes one makes a decision in haste and begins to regret doing so, do not - as the act was done whilst standing in the moment, honour it'.....
28/06/2015 23:13
'Trust in the power of the Indwelling Soul and your path will open up quite naturally'.....
27/06/2015 22:49
'Do whatever you are going to do to the best of your ability - your efforts are a representation of you'.....
26/06/2015 23:39 
'Remember at all times that your reality and understanding is yours and that the reality and understanding of others will differ'.......
24/06/2015 22:33
'On waking each morning take a moment out to count your blessings'.....
23/06/2015 22:39
'When ones energy levels are low then one become open to ailments, tey to keep your energy levels topped up'.....
22/06/2015 20:31
'There will be days when many friends surface, knocking on your door, calling you on the phone, - always find time for them, they may just need to hear a friendly, caring voice'.....
21/06/2015 21:52
'The truth is out there, one just has to sift through all the misinformation to find it'.......
20/06/2015 22:36
'When you feel tired and energetically low - nurture yourself and take some time out'.....
19/06/2015 20:24
'Never judge another for you do not know what is happening in their life, for what happen to one does colour one's life'..........
18/06/2015 21:04
"Be there with a helping hand for those who are in need today, one day the situation may be reversed".....
17/06/2015 19:58
'There will always be times when people press your internal buttons, count to ten before replying - it really works
16/06/2015 19:51
'Time spent with friends and family, out in the sunshine, can be very uplifting - do it whenever you get the chance'.......
15/06/2015 22:23
'Often one is not able to see the truth because they do not want to see it'.....
14/06/2015 23:31
'One must try to understand the needs of those with whom they spend time - each one will be different'.....
13/06/2015 22:30

'The heart needs what the heart needs'............

12/06/2015 22:52

'The Universal Force has a habit of throwing curve balls when least expected - just remain focused and centred'.....
11/06/2015 20:54
'Be prepared to take part in discussions which will press buttons, you are not going to agree with everyone - learn to agree to disagree'.....
10/06/2015 22:11
'Let the child within come out to play - have fun, be spontaneous and enjoy'....
09/06/2015 22:24
'Always be prepared for the unexpected - then life will not throw you a curve ball'.....
07/06/2015 22:21
'When making a long journey always ask for protection and safe arrival - it will be so'.....
06/06/2015 22:38
'Enjoy each moment spent with loved and store up the memories for those times you are alone and feel low - these memories will lift you up'.....
05/06/2015 22:13
'Hold out your hand to help those in need and you will in fact be helping yourself'......
04/06/2015 20:26
'Every day is special, it is just that we do not always recognise the special-ness'.....
03/06/2015 22:53
'Live in the moment, put all your effort and concentration into whatever needs your attention in each moment - this leads to a successful outcome'......
02/06/2015 21:08
'Remember that a friendly smile shared with a stranger could make their day a good day'.....
01/06/2015 22:45
'Look for the God Force within yourself and within others today and every day'.....
31/05/2015 22:55
'Trust in your ability to achieve whatever it is that you set out to do'.....
30/05/2015 20:12
'When you find yourself totally absorbed in a project this is because you are interested and where there is interest there will be growth'.....
29/05/2015 23:31
'Action speaks louder than words, so when you feel that something needs to be done - just go ahead and do it'....
28/05/2015 23:29
'When one speaks their own truth it may and often does upset others whose truth may be different - be true to yourself'......
27/05/2015 22:23
'Be positive in all you do, positive thoughts bring about positive results'.....
26/05/2015 22:02
'Be open to the changes, change moves you forward'.....
25/05/2015 22:39
'Chores, chores and more chores - they all need to be attended to before one can relax and enjoy the rest of the day'.....
24/05/2015 21:00
'Feel the fear and do it anyway.... it is good to experience new things that make one push through the barriers'.....
23/05/2015 23:49
'Have you noticed how time flies by so rapidly when you are engrossed in a project you find of interest'.....
22/05/2015 23:30
'We are born, we die and what comes in between is the mystery - enjoy it'.....
21/05/2015 23:32
'Sharing with others on all levels is most important and is very supportive - continue to share as you journey through life'.....
20/05/2015 23:17
'When the student is ready the teacher does appear, but not always the way expected. Look for teaching in all aspects of life'......
19/05/2015 21:55
'Loneliness is a state of mind - all you have to do is to change it to feel connected and loved'.....
18/05/2015 18:53
'Be open to what your Soul is trying to tell you and follow these inspired thoughts to the letter - do not deviate'.....
17/05/2015 22:36
'Some days the energy will appear to be heavier and harder to handle - just do your best by being in the moment and work with these prevailing energies'.......
16/05/2015 22:00
'Hang on in there when things do not go the way you want them to - it may be that it is better that they do not'........
15/05/2015 23:27
'Learn to recognise the power of the words you use in your day to day language'.....
14/05/2015 20:31
'Trust in your higher self, do not doubt'........
13/05/2015 21:40
'When the time comes to get together with loved ones who have been absent for some time embrace every moment'.....
12/05/2015 21:30
'If you are in the mood to get things done - take care not to overdo it'.....
11/05/2015 21:50
'Feel the fear and do it anyway - you will feel all the better for moving out of your comfort zone'.....
10/05/2015 22:23
'Sometimes you are asked to do something that takes you out of your comfort zone - if you do it then give it your best attention'......
09/05/2015 20:41
'Come rain or shine always it is good to wear a smile upon your face and in your heart'.....
08/05/2015 20:46
'It is good to spend time with friends old and new and to share one's understanding and new information'......
07/05/2015 21:54
'Be kind to those you meet on your journey - remember what you give out will return'.....
06/05/2015 23:17
'If we pay attention to a persistent thought of something that may happen and then does happen - is this precognition or are we the creators'......
05/05/2015 20:34
'Listen to those gentle thoughts that attract your attention for even though they are not forceful they are important'.....
04/05/2015 21:21
'When the mood takes you to jump into action - follow it through and you will achieve lots'.....
03/05/2015 21:00
'Believe in your reality for it all you have - for the reality of others is theirs and theirs alone'.....
02/05/2015 23:33
'Each new day begins with breaking the fast of the night - breakfast, take a closer look at the words you use on a regular basis, you will be surprised'....
01/05/2015 21:34
'Silence is golden and full of unrealised potential - enter within whenever you can'.......
30/04/2015 22:33
'Try to put some time to one side each day to communicate with the Spirit Within - this will promote growth and healing'.....
29/04/2015 23:32
'All things that have been made physical come from the Source, the One - embrace and enjoy the whole experience'.....
28/04/2015 22:07
'Life is full of mysteries - one when happens to come your way enjoy the experience and explore it fully'.....
27/04/2015 22:14
'When life throws you a curve ball get ready to duck or step to one side, do not let it throw you out of balance'.....
26/04/2015 22:55
'Learn to trust in your own judgement, do not follow others blindly'.....
25/04/2015 20:20
'When someone you are fond of presses all your internal buttons you must ask yourself why this is happenong'......
24/04/2015 11:11
'Keep busy and stay positive as idleness lets in negativity'......
23/04/2015 14:49
'Practice being centred in your personal belief system'.....
21/04/2015 18:50
'Speak your truth clearly and without fear'.....
20/04/2015 16:01
''Smile whilst those around you are feeling down - your smile will lift them up'.......
19/04/2015 22:34
'Be prepared for change as change is the very nature of life'.....
18/04/2015 17:58
'Be prepared for change as change is the very nature of life'.....
18/04/2015 17:58
'Walk hand in hand with Angels by seeing the Divine Presence in everyone you meet'.....
17/04/2015 22:51
'Appreciate all the good things in your life... continue to count your blessings'......
16/04/2015 16:29
'Be kind to those you meet for at source we are all one'.....
15/04/2015 17:54
'You can choose your friends but you can not choose your family'....
14/04/2015 21:07
'Hold out a helping hand to those you meet and your bounty will increase tenfold'.....
13/04/2015 10:20
'Sit, relax and forget your worries and cares, you can reclaim them later'.....
11/04/2015 12:24
'When you feel stressed and unable to cope, place your cares at the feet of the Creator'.....
10/04/2015 12:16
'Setting yourself targets that are achievable will boost your confidence'.....
08/04/2015 23:41

'Spend time bonding with those you love - it will pay of tenfold'...

07/04/2015 22:13
'Lay your plans well but be prepared for small changes - do not let them upset your day'......
06/04/2015 23:09
'Put some time to one side to sit and wonder at the nature of the Cosmos'.........
05/04/2015 23:09
'It is good when the family comes together and one is comfortable in that energy of love and support - count your blessings'.....
04/04/2015 18:34
'It always feels great when a well laid plan comes together with no problems - it is a pity this is not always the case'.......
03/04/2015 19:48
'Never be amazed when your day is suddenly re-arranged and works out perfectly - the soul within see's a little further ahead than the personality self'.....
02/04/2015 22:19
'Let the inspiration brought forward by the Soul within lift you up'.....
01/04/2015 22:05
'Drop a thought onto the ethers of life and see where it takes you'......
31/03/2015 22:52
'Some days will be so busy you may think that you will actually run into yourself with all the comings and goings. stay calm and centred'.....
30/03/2015 22:29
'Support and service, service and support - a daily challenge but a rewarding one'......
29/03/2015 19:20
'Do not feel guilty when you take time out to do what it is you need to do'.......
28/03/2015 18:56
'Be gentle with yourself, do not fill your being with feelings of doubts and guilt, nurturing and compassion are needed - handle with care'.......
27/03/2015 19:01
'Do not be afraid to try something new - variety is the spice of life'......
26/03/2015 22:22
'Research all new information that present itself and use that which furthers your projects'.....
25/03/2015 23:35
'Be there for others and when you are in need of nurturing and support they will be there for you'.....
24/03/2015 20:32
'Relish the completion of a difficult project and let it go to make room for new projects to enter'......
23/03/2015 21:12
'Being respectful to others means you can be respectful to yourself'.....
22/03/2015 20:07
'Plans change without notice, do not be phased out by these unexpected turns of events - be focused in the NOW'.....
21/03/2015 18:32
'When you work in harmony with the universal forces anything can happen - trust'.....
20/03/2015 23:31
'Do not let others make you feel inadequate, speak your truth and stand tall'.....
19/03/2015 22:53
'Do stay centred and focus on your plans for the day, but do also allow for changes that are a natural part of your journey - do not be rigid'......
18/03/2015 21:56
'Other peoples deadlines are a nightmare - do not let them stress you out'......
17/03/2015 21:40
'Do not feel upset when you do not hit self imposed deadlines - be kind to yourself'.....
16/03/2015 20:31
'Take time to walk in the park or in the countryside - enjoy the first burst of spring'.....
14/03/2015 23:39
'When the going gets tough just remember that you will never be asked to cope with more than you can handle'........
12/03/2015 20:06
'Balance the earthly personality with the heavenly divine aspect today and every day'.....
11/03/2015 21:51
'When a project does not gel, and is problematic with nothing flowing it may be time to change direction - it may mean that it is time to walk'.....
10/03/2015 23:59
'Being able to be there for others is a gift - for you learn to give and the other person learns to receive'.......
09/03/2015 19:58
'Enjoy healthy discussions with friends - do not take disagreements seriously'.....
08/03/2015 23:31
'Keep searching for the truth - when you find an aspect of the truth your Soul within will recognise it. Trust in your higher Self at all times'.....
07/03/2015 10:31
'Do not let others tell you what is right for you - listen to your Soul and then you will do exactly what is right for you'....
05/03/2015 23:13
'It is time for each human being to recognise personal responsibility and take back their power'.......
04/03/2015 23:32
'By listening to the still small voice within you can break down old worn out programming - try it'.....
03/03/2015 20:43
'Trust in your personal perception, it is a gift from your Soul'........
02/03/2015 22:53
'Try to be in each moment, do not dwell too much on what is past for it will hold you back'.....
01/03/2015 21:26
'When one is physically busy working the mind often takes a back seat and sits in the stillness of the silence'.....
27/02/2015 21:21
'Service comes in many forms - just being there for someone in their time of need is being of service'.....
26/02/2015 18:48
'The best laid plans may never materialise due to the vagaries of life'....
25/02/2015 23:40
'Life is a journey that will always be full of surprises - step out and enjoy each new adventure'.....
24/02/2015 21:21
'Sometimes one has to have the ability to read between the lines to find out the truth'......
23/02/2015 21:19
'Some days there will not be enough hours in the day to process all you need to do - remember there is always tomorrow'.....
22/02/2015 23:21
'Always be aware that in your search for the truth there will always be a lot of mis-information presented. Follow your instincts and your own heart and mind'.....
21/02/2015 22:10
'When your energy levels are low and you feel wiped out, be sure that the Universe will always bring something forward to give you a boost - it may even be a bunch of beautiful flowers'.....
20/02/2015 22:08
'Honour the Divine Presence - the Soul within'.....
19/02/2015 21:52
'There are so many wonders that one can and will behold as they journey through life'.....
17/02/2015 23:26
'One can see the wonders of creation in the birth of a child'....
16/02/2015 23:46
'Learn to trust in your intuitive thoughts for they are the words of the indwelling soul'.....
15/02/2015 22:02
'The truth of the birth of humanity is deeply hidden within the myths and legends'.....
14/02/2015 22:00
'Being generous and caring comes from the heart, nurture this aspect of your nature at all times'.....
13/02/2015 21:28
'You are a child of the Universe, you are connected to the Source, remember this at all times'.........
12/02/2015 21:47
'Remember that your thoughts are creative and living things - take care'.......
11/02/2015 22:09
'Count to ten each time you feel that your patience is being tested - try it out for yourself'......
10/02/2015 21:39
'Try to find time each day to recharge your battery as you are no use to anyone if you do not have the energy to carry out the task'.....
09/02/2015 20:27
'Follow the bidding of your heart and mind and all will be well'......
08/02/2015 21:54
'When the sun shines, even if the day is cold one feels more alert and alive and achieve much more than one would on a cold and grey day - enjoy such days'....
07/02/2015 23:00
'Spending time with loved ones can be very uplifting - enjoy each moment'......
06/02/2015 21:36
'When searching for truth it is wise to turn over even the smallest stone'.....
05/02/2015 20:50
'Being of service, holding out a helping hand to humanity is the name of the game'.......
04/02/2015 22:59
'It is good to seek out the truth, do not ever feel daunted by the mis-information that will come your way'.....
03/02/2015 18:49
'Remember when asking questions of the Universe that you will not always receive your answers immediately'....
02/02/2015 22:03
'It is not possible for one person to single handedly support all who step forward for help and support - sharing the task is productive'.....
01/02/2015 20:44
'Get into the spirit of each new situation you find yourself within'......
31/01/2015 21:14
'By being in the moment you will be able to grasp each new opportunity as it presents itself'.....
30/01/2015 22:29
'When you feel unwell, honour yourself and take the time out that is necessary for self healing to take place'.....
29/01/2015 20:11
'Hold out your hand when someone is having a hard time, be there for them, giving and not counting the cost'......
28/01/2015 11:13
'Enjoy the company of good people, try to remain centred'.....
27/01/2015 18:05
'Be the best you can be in each and every moment, help those who need your help'.....
26/01/2015 20:34
'Dance in the sunshine and sing in the rain'.....
25/01/2015 16:44
'Allow the healing rays of the sun to lift up your heart and soul'.....
24/01/2015 13:38
'Be thankful for the help and support given freely to you by those who enter into your life'......
23/01/2015 10:51
'Make the most of each and every moment today and everyday'....
22/01/2015 22:12
'Remember you are first and foremost a Soul inhabiting physical form - enjoy the journey'......
21/01/2015 16:51
'Friends are the salt of the earth, honour them'....
20/01/2015 16:19
'Travel broadens the mind, so when you have the opportunity to spread your wings and fly, just fly free'....
19/01/2015 19:11
'Send out your loving thoughts to those who have retùrned to the World of Souls when thoughts of them pop into your mind'......
18/01/2015 14:45
'Some day it can be hard to be all things to all people - on these days be true to yourself'.....
17/01/2015 16:55
'When you feel low, draw on your inner reserve, but remembr to recharge'.....
16/01/2015 20:17
'Today look at your thoughts and your subsequent actions'.....
15/01/2015 20:01
'When things are not going as they were planned go, just remain positive and keep trying'....
14/01/2015 11:34
'Be there for those around you who need upliftment, love and support'.....
13/01/2015 20:02
'Live each day to the max. make every moment count'.....
12/01/2015 21:25
'Trust in what presents itself in the moment, do not doubt the judgement of the soul within when you have sent out a request for guidance'......
11/01/2015 21:07
'Do not have any expectations about others - that way you will not be let down'.....
10/01/2015 20:23
'It is good to spend an evening with friends, just relaxing, eating, drinking, talking and enjoying the company of each other with no expectations'.....
09/01/2015 23:18
'At the end of a busy day, take time out for yourself and do not feel guilty for doing this'.....
08/01/2015 21:51
'Heated discussions amongst friends and like-minded people can be fun, do not take them too seriously or to heart - be open and aware of what is being said'.....
07/01/2015 23:15
'Remember that the world of commerce is all about profit and loss, not the individual'......

06/01/2015 19:09

'When the going gets tough - do not become negative and throw in the towel, recognise it as an opportunity to bring about positive change'....
05/01/2015 20:26
'Talking helps one to work through and clear old blockages'.....
04/01/2015 22:04
'Be of assistance whenever you are able to - give and do not count the cost, try always to be unconditional'.....
03/01/2015 18:32
'Even when you feel out of sorts with those around you try to be helpful and supportive - get out of Ego into Soul mode'.....
02/01/2015 21:00
'Be patient with those who need your help and support, give without counting the cost'......
01/01/2015 21:41
'As we ring out the Old year and bring in the New year - spend a few moments reflecting upon the past 12 months. Continue to count your blessings'.....
31/12/2014 18:31
'Let yesterday belong in the past, do not bring it into today - for today holds its own adventures'.....
30/12/2014 23:26
'Walk your talk each and every moment - do not be swayed by peer pressure'.....
29/12/2014 23:14
'Some times you will have to put your plans on hold because others will need your attention'......
28/12/2014 21:23
'Remember that thoughts are living things - take care when thinking, be responsible'....
27/12/2014 20:36
'Allow the essence of Christmas and what the deeper meaning of this season is about to stay with you throughout the year'......
26/12/2014 21:01
'As Christmas Day draws to a close, I hope you found time to reflect upon the year that has almost finished'.....
25/12/2014 23:10
'A Merry Christmas is wished for each and everyone, may the Spirit of Christmas be with you'.....
24/12/2014 23:38
'Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, take time out to think of the meaning of the whole festive season - look at the symbology within it'.....
23/12/2014 21:26
'Enjoy the festive season and try not over indulge. Spend a few minutes each day in contemplation of what the season is about'.....
22/12/2014 23:50
'Spend time with those you love and appreciate what they have to share with you'.....
21/12/2014 23:06
'Focus on what it is that you wish to achieve - success will be yours'.....
20/12/2014 23:21
'When it is time to say a final farewell to one you have known and loved know that it is not the end - they will only be a thought away'.
19/12/2014 21:54
'When tiredness creeps in and tempers are frayed - try counting to ten before responding to provoking statements'......
18/12/2014 20:22
'Use inspiring words to help others to understand what you want to share with them'.....
17/12/2014 21:31
'When you are in the company of like minded people there is so much of interest to be shared - enjoy, be open and learn'.....
16/12/2014 23:25
'When working to deadlines the best action is to keep your eye on the clock'.....
15/12/2014 18:38
'Loving unconditionally is really the only way to love'....
14/12/2014 23:06
'Embrace the times when you are able to be with those you love whom you do not see as often as you would like to'.....
13/12/2014 21:01
'Open up your heart and mind to the plight of others - be supporting in whatever way you can, whenever you can'.....
12/12/2014 20:28
'Love knows no boundaries - allow love to flow freely in and through your life'......
06/12/2014 19:26
'Be in the moment and respond quickly to each and every situation that presents itself'.....
05/12/2014 22:33
'Be in the moment and achieve more'.....
04/12/2014 22:49
'Remember that you are a child of the Universe and as such the universal forces interact with you'.....
03/12/2014 20:58
'Counting your blessing great or small will help you to put things into the right perspective'.....
02/12/2014 20:36
'As the season of goodwill approaches reach out and share your good fortune with others'.....
01/12/2014 19:34
'Keep your mind clear from trivia whenever possible and be open to inspired thoughts'.......
30/11/2014 19:53
'When you get a thought to do something, follow the thought - for you may just forget to do it later'........
29/11/2014 23:54
'Hang on in there and follow your dreams'.......
28/11/2014 20:43
'Do not let the weather, when it is dark and gloomy,control your thoughts and emotions - rise above the gloom with uplifting thoughts and emotions'.....
27/11/2014 21:27
'You are stronger than you think and can carry the heaviest of burdens - have faith in yourself'.....
26/11/2014 21:03
'There are times when all the cards appear to be stacked against you, just hang on in there - the situation will improve'......
25/11/2014 22:35
'When the world around you appears to be out of control - try to remain centred and all will be well'.....
24/11/2014 22:00
'Allow yourself time to sit and reflect upon the happenings of the day - you will benefit greatly from this action'.....
23/11/2014 19:53
'Hold out a helping hand to those you meet who are in need of help and support - one day they may repay that kindness'.....
22/11/2014 22:52
'Live life, love life and be happy'.....
21/11/2014 15:24
'Value each and every new experience that finds you - look for the lesson within it'.....
20/11/2014 11:27
'Be in the moment, but sometimes one needs to step into the past and remember'......
19/11/2014 14:53
'Follow your inner bidding, the voice of the Soul - not the louder bidding of the ego'.....
18/11/2014 17:27
'Examine your motives and in doing so follow your heart'......
17/11/2014 17:51
'Always be compassionate when those around you are lost, lonely or angry'......
16/11/2014 12:01
´Appreciate the good company of those you hold dear - tell them how you feel´
15/11/2014 19:15
'Go with your gut feeling - have the courage to be yourself'.....
14/11/2014 14:25
'Be open to the wondrrs of healing both spiritual and physical'.....
13/11/2014 14:13
'Good friends are essential to having a happy social life - so value your friends'.....
12/11/2014 21:10
'Being in the moment makes changing plans easier'.......
11/11/2014 10:27
'Have no expectations and you will never feel let down'.....
10/11/2014 18:32
'Send loving thoughts to those who have returned to th Wporld of Souls'.....
09/11/2014 14:17
'Enjoy each day as if it was your last - because one day it will be'.....
08/11/2014 16:09
'Enjoy each day as if it was your last - beacauuse one day it will be'.....
08/11/2014 16:09
'Make hay whilst the sun shines - but if the clouds appear do not let them spoil your day'.....
07/11/2014 11:28
'Enjoy the company of good friends, share thoughts and ideas'.....
06/11/2014 14:47
'When you have been pushed to the limit with one project after another - try to take time out to chill'........
04/11/2014 19:36
'When family or friends have to spend time in hospital - do your best to spend time visiting them, it will make their day much brighter'....
03/11/2014 20:26
'Be strong in the knowledge of who you are, do not let others out your down'......
02/11/2014 21:16
'It is truly amazing just how much one can achieve when one is focused and single minded'........
01/11/2014 20:32
'When you feel weary, take a few minutes out and retire into the Silence, it will re-energise you and help you to feel more able to cope'.....
31/10/2014 21:07
'Take the love that is offered by family and friends and count your blessings'.....
30/10/2014 21:37
'Helping hands of friendship and support when one feels that they are unable to carry on are absolute lifesavers'.....
29/10/2014 23:08
'Being supportive is productive and those you support will appreciate your care and attention'......
28/10/2014 21:51
'When someone you love is at their lowest ebb just be there and help them to see what is good and positive in their life'....
27/10/2014 21:44
'Listen when others are talking, they may have something of value to share'.....
26/10/2014 20:48
'When you see others less fortunate than yourself give thanks for your blessings'........
25/10/2014 21:19
'We all have dreams - the secret is to be true to yours'.......
24/10/2014 19:28
'Some days will be easier than others, so just do the best you can in each moment'.....
23/10/2014 20:00
'Remember to research information that presents itself to you - there is much that is mis-information and not required'.....
22/10/2014 22:53
'Remember that you are unique - you are an individual and whatever you do counts'.....
21/10/2014 20:43
'Do not allow your bad humour to influence your dealings with others'.....
20/10/2014 21:45
'You will complete each and every task - with a little help from your family and friends'.......
19/10/2014 18:57
'Challenges are good for you - they help you to measure your growth and successes'.....
18/10/2014 20:56
'When you have said you would do something or be responsible for something - then you must honour that commitment'......
17/10/2014 20:36
'When things around you appear to be falling apart, it is hard to remain centred and positive - just hang on in there and all will come right'....
16/10/2014 19:23
'Enjoy the quiet times spent in meditation and contemplation - take the peace with you into your day'......
15/10/2014 22:04
'Being there for others in their time of need and holding out a helping hand is a true act of kindness'.....
14/10/2014 22:26
'When you feel lonely - remember it is an illusion, you are surrounded by people who love and care for you, allow them to draw close'.....
13/10/2014 21:59
'There are times when you will not feel like being in the company of others, honour this feeling'.......
12/10/2014 22:50
'Rely on the inner strength of your Soul - it will never let you down'......
11/10/2014 19:57
'On those days where all goes according to plans made, with no problem areas, give thanks and count your blessings'......
10/10/2014 21:16
'When you are experiencing one adversity after another - recognise the learning involved and the movement forward being made'.....
09/10/2014 19:37
'Trying to remain positive at all times is hard, but hang on in there'.........
08/10/2014 22:11
'Good health and state of mind are both important as you journey through life - take care of both aspects of yourself'.....
07/10/2014 20:06
'Be there for others when they need your help and support - give without counting the cost'......
06/10/2014 22:28
'Life is full of choices, making the right one can be easier when one listens to the Soul within'...
05/10/2014 21:31
'This is your journey, make every day count'.....
04/10/2014 19:12
'Change is a part of life, but change for change sake is not the way to go - make whatever changes you make count'.....
03/10/2014 22:07
'In your quiet moments reconnect with the source'.....
02/10/2014 21:16
'Enjoy time spent with like minded people and recognise that it is quite acceptable to disagree on any subject'.....
01/10/2014 23:58
'New information will present itself as and when one is ready for it or in need of it'.....
30/09/2014 20:20
'Why is that life appears to be harder for some than for others?'.......
29/09/2014 20:01
'By being in the moment one is assured a more focused view of each new situation'.....
28/09/2014 22:08
'Wherever you go on the face of this Planet Earth you will find aspiring souls - souls on a journey'.....
27/09/2014 22:06
'Live Life to the full and give thanks for each blessing you receive,there will be many'......
26/09/2014 23:30
'Life will bring forth all ylu need for your spiritual growth. Just learn to listen to the still small voice within'......
24/09/2014 22:08
'Reach out your hand in friendship and enjoy the forthcoming goodwill'.....
23/09/2014 23:54
'Each individual being is unique and therefore it stands to reason that their belief system will be unique to them'......
22/09/2014 22:21
'Life as in the universal force will always bring forward what you need, not what you want'......
21/09/2014 22:07
'Things change rapidly, this is the way of the Universal Forces'.......
20/09/2014 22:28
'Be thankful for the many varied connections you make throughout each and every day'.......
19/09/2014 23:36
'Farewells can be bitter sweet, but remember that if there is a need you will reconnect'.......
18/09/2014 15:46
'Try staying centred in all you do today'.......
17/09/2014 14:26
'Do not envy others, but remember also not to hold yourself in high esteem above others'.......
16/09/2014 22:43
'When you are reunited with old friends that you have not seen for many years embrace them and watch the years disappear'......
15/09/2014 22:43
'When strangers open up their homes and hearts to you, embrace and bless them'
14/09/2014 22:35
'Embrace each adventure you have the good fortune to take part in'.......
13/09/2014 22:53
'It may seem strange, but given time it will feel normal'......
12/09/2014 03:09
'True love for one's fellowman will enhance each moment of each day'.....
11/09/2014 22:28
'When you find yourself in strange surroundings be open eyed and alert'......
10/09/2014 02:11
'Life is full of surprises, meeting new people, going to new places - all are wonderous experiences that are out there just waiting for you to embrace them'......
08/09/2014 23:31
'Some days you will have to be so focused on the moment and the job in hand to achieve good results - focus on the point......
07/09/2014 22:27
'Being in the moment means that occasionally things that are done ritualistically sometimes get forgotten'......
06/09/2014 22:44
'There comes a time in everyone's life when they have to put the past well and truly behind them and move into the future'.....
01/09/2014 23:33
'Today and every day all you all of your actions will be the cause of an affect'......
31/08/2014 21:31
'Love all those who cross your path - family, friend or foe'....
30/08/2014 23:27
'Have compassion for those who are struggling or suffering - not all ailments can be seen, especially those of the mind'...
29/08/2014 21:09
'Be focused and believe in what it is you are in the process of inviting into your life'.....
28/08/2014 20:23
'Take care what you give out energetically - for like attracts like'.....
27/08/2014 23:08
'Be there for others when they need a helping hand and there will always be someone there for you in your moment of need'......
26/08/2014 22:02
'One should always be ready to hold out a helping hand to those less fortunate than oneself'.........
25/08/2014 19:06
'Energy follows each thought and creates reality'......
24/08/2014 23:38
'Hold out a helping hand whenever you meet one on the journey who needs help and support'.....
23/08/2014 23:03
'Heart or Mind, Love or Logic - which will it be?'.....
22/08/2014 18:33
'Positive thoughts lead to positive actions - go with the flow'.....
21/08/2014 19:40
'Debate is healthy - be open and aware and enjoy'.....
20/08/2014 23:32
'Do not let fear hold you back - know that you always walk in the protection Light and Love'.....
19/08/2014 21:32
'Search and continue to search - the truth will be revealed'.....
18/08/2014 21:59
'When looking for truth one may need to overturn their understanding - rebuilding their philosophy from the cornerstone upwards'.......
17/08/2014 23:09
'Time spent in the company of friends you have not seen for some time can be inspiring'......
16/08/2014 23:14
'Be kind to yourself - take some quality time-out each day'.....
15/08/2014 20:54
'Even when your day appears to be dull and boring - try to find something that will uplift the Soul within'.....
14/08/2014 22:54
'Do not fear when new challenges present themselves - be open hearted and centred, do not limit your potential.......
13/08/2014 23:38
'When the going gets tough - stay centred and focused'.......
12/08/2014 23:14
'Get your chores out of the way and enjoy some quality time doing what you enjoy'......
11/08/2014 21:54
'A healthy body and mind are needs on the journey called life'.....
10/08/2014 18:40
'Be alert and aware when out and about with friends - truth can be found in the strangest of places'.....
09/08/2014 23:50
'Always trust those intense but quiet thoughts for they are messages from the indwelling soul'.....
08/08/2014 23:10
'Study whenever you have the time to do so, through studying and researching information one is able to grow intellectually'......
07/08/2014 21:26
'Positive thoughts and positive actions result in positive outcomes'......
06/08/2014 23:16
'Take time out and catch up with old friends, by phone, email or in person - just do it'......
05/08/2014 22:04
'War is a product of Ego - let each of us pray for the Spirit of Love and Peace to prevail and win each day'.....
04/08/2014 21:00
'Life is for living - so get out there and embrace each situation that presents itself today'.....
03/08/2014 21:11
'Today step out with an air of positivity and know that all will be well, all will be as it should be - Trust'......
02/08/2014 23:38
'Be open to new information as you search for the truth, which will be found in the strangest of places'.....
01/08/2014 20:10
'Each new day brings with it new experiences and new adventures - be open and be in the moment - enjoy'.......
31/07/2014 19:03
'Treat animals with the same love and respect that you would like to be treated'.......
30/07/2014 21:47
'When someone steps into your life with a different point of view, try to listen to what they have to say without making judgements first'.....
29/07/2014 23:24
'Did you hold out your hand in friendship today, if so was it someone you already knew or to a total stranger?'.....
28/07/2014 20:24
'Look for the Light and Love that resides within all things'.....
27/07/2014 22:17
'Enjoy precious time with family and friends, be in the moment'.....
26/07/2014 22:37
'Turn over every stone and collect all the information before making a judgement'.......
25/07/2014 22:24
‘There is much information around one to ponder upon and expand one’s understanding’…..
'Meditation is beneficial - it helps to relieve stress and brings about a sense of well-being and relaxation'........
23/07/2014 22:03
'Stand firm in the light of who you are - never deny who you are, be proud'.....
22/07/2014 22:02
'The search for truth is eternal - never tire of the adventure'.....
21/07/2014 21:40
'Ask and it will be given - just be open to it when it arrives'......
20/07/2014 22:08
'Beauty is all around - have you the eyes to partake of this wonder'.........
19/07/2014 23:42
'Patience in all things - just sit still and be at peace'.....
18/07/2014 23:22
'Be happy for those around you who are achieving their hearts desires - never envy another'......
17/07/2014 20:37
'When you are alone, within the silence that is found in solitude become one with the whole of creation'.....
16/07/2014 21:27
'Be as helpful as you can when others are in need of support'......
15/07/2014 17:19
'You are a unique aspect of the One - be true to yourself and do not follow others blindly'.....
14/07/2014 21:10
'Enjoy those precious moment when you spend time with family and friends'..........
13/07/2014 21:38
'Look at the small, almost silent thoughts - you may be surprised at the wisdom found within them'.....
12/07/2014 18:21
'Live life to the full, enjoy each moment and embrace whatever the Universe presents'.....
11/07/2014 19:50
'Blend and work with nature and feel the serenity that abounds'.....
10/07/2014 23:51
'One gains in strength each time an obstacle is overcome'.....
09/07/2014 22:23
'When you feel tired, honour your body and take time out to relax and even retire early to bed'.....
08/07/2014 21:50
'There are many people who will cross your path and impart their knowledge - embrace these experiences'.....
07/07/2014 23:22
'Count your blessings and share your bounty today and every day'.....
06/07/2014 20:21
'Value time spent in the company of those with a similar approach to life as your own - try not to comprise your own integrity'.....
06/07/2014 00:59
'Approach each day with open-ness and put all your energy and focus into each of your tasks'.....
04/07/2014 21:53
'Lessons come in all shapes and forms - just be alert and work with these lessons as soon as possible for the best results'......
03/07/2014 20:41
'Spend some quality time in deep contemplation of the meaning of life - enjoy this time of withdrawal from the busy world around you'.....
02/07/2014 22:08
'Always do whatever feels right and do not have regrets, for you will be denying what you once supported'......
01/07/2014 21:59
'Spending those few minutes each morning following an exercise regime will help you to be more energised and focused throughout the rest of the day - well worth the effort'......
30/06/2014 20:02
'Enjoy your time spent with friends and family - for each moment spent with those you love is precious'......
29/06/2014 23:29
'Speak your truth always - but do not be confrontational with those whose truth may be different'......
28/06/2014 22:56
'Plans put together do not always just fall into place - they often need extra work, care and attention to bring them to fulfillment'......
27/06/2014 22:27
'When things do not go according to plan remain cool and calm, things may have gone wrong for a reason not yet clear to yourself'.....
26/06/2014 23:49
' Guidance will be given to those who ask and who are prepared to hold out their hand for support'.....
25/06/2014 19:38
'Approach all of your daily tasks with an open and loving heart - and see the difference this will make to your day......
24/06/2014 22:12
'Life can be really testing with one lesson following closely on the heels of another that has just been worked through - the real test is to remain strong and centred'......
23/06/2014 21:45
'Decisions that affect others should be made together, all aspects of the situation being explored before the decision is made'...........
21/06/2014 20:50
'Life often deals a hand that appears too difficult - trust in your higher self that a solution will be found'.........
20/06/2014 21:36
'Spend time with people with like minded people - enjoy time spent in meditation with them'......
18/06/2014 23:47
' Remember at all times that your emotions colour your auric field and others will react according to how your energy interacts with theirs'.......
17/06/2014 21:19
'Be in the NOW and stay centred - exchange information and explore any new ideas that are presented'......
16/06/2014 22:25
'Be in the NOW and stay centred - exchange information and explore any new ideas that are presented'......
16/06/2014 22:25
'Spending time with like minded people will be beneficial'........
15/06/2014 20:09
'Live and learn, take care of those you love'...
14/06/2014 20:32
´Think before you act today and every day - a moment spent in contemplation of an action could save hours of your time´......
13/06/2014 10:39
'All things are possible, look at the positive and negatives within each situation - change the negative into positive when you are able to '.......
12/06/2014 21:57
'Be kind to those you meet on your journey and they will be kind to you'........
11/06/2014 22:17
'One must find a balanced approach to each daily task'.....
10/06/2014 19:23
'Try to do at least one charitable deed each day'.....
09/06/2014 19:50
'Today be the living embodimemt of tbe light that you are'......
08/06/2014 20:57
'Embrace the moment, and those with whom you share it'......
07/06/2014 20:00
'True friendship based upon love and respect will survive long periods of absence'.....
06/06/2014 13:30
'Value each of your family and friends for the unique gifts they bring into your daily experiences'......
05/06/2014 11:36
'Carry the peace you feel upon waking from a night of sleep into the day, embrace it and feel strong'.....
04/06/2014 17:54
'Allow the sunshine of each day enter into your heart and allow your heart to shine'.....
03/06/2014 22:32
'Look at the situations that are around you today - is there any room for chage/growth'.....
02/06/2014 11:06
'Live each day to the full, do not put off for tomorrow what can be completed today'....
01/06/2014 14:24
'Try to remain positive when others around you are feeling a little lost and out of control - trust in the wisdom of the Soul within'......
31/05/2014 22:45
'Peace must be the cornerstone of your existence'......
30/05/2014 23:39

'By being in the moment one is able to react to situations and deal with them more efficiently'.......

29/05/2014 22:27


'Have faith and know that you will be guided and supported by your loved ones in the World of Spirit'.....
28/05/2014 22:50
'Nurture your family and friends for they are precious and life on the Earth plane is tenuous'.....
27/05/2014 22:13
'Your thoughts being pure energy can and do make themselves felt - they are both creative and destructive'.......
26/05/2014 19:36
'Being of service - is worthwhile, but do not forget to look after yourself'..........
25/05/2014 21:48
'Inspiration can and will be found all around you in your day to day existence'........
24/05/2014 22:11
'Carry the peace found within meditation with you as you enter into your day to day rituals'......
23/05/2014 19:44
'Life is....... life experiencing itself'.........
22/05/2014 19:58
'When you are feeling energetically low, send out your thoughts asking for healing and sit quietly allowing those energies to revitalise your physical and spiritual aspects'.....
21/05/2014 22:33
'True beauty lies deep within - it is the beauty of the indwelling Soul'......
20/05/2014 22:14
'When making a journey stay focused and take time out for a little relaxation and refreshments - and keep safe'.......
19/05/2014 22:13 
'It is true that when one is in the midst of crisis they can not see the wood for the trees, therefore resolution seems night on impossible'.....
18/05/2014 17:15
'It hurts when you see someone you love feeling lost and alone,without direction - do not judge, just support them'......
17/05/2014 21:51
'When others around you get angry do not get drawn into their anger - count to ten and take a few deep breaths'......
14/05/2-14 21:23
'Do not let problems, large or small affect your positive state of mind'.....
13/05/2014 19:00
'Sometimes the soul will draw one's attention to some area of life and then wham.... something happens'......
12/05/2014 18:53
'Good preparation makes for an easier journey - so some forward thinking is needed before any journey is made'.....
11/05/2014 20:17
'Look for the wisdom in all that presents itself to you today and every day'......
10/05/2014 21:38
'Look at the understanding of others, listen to what they have to say and allow the differences, if there are any, to cause no discord between you'.....
09/05/2014 18:21
'Try to achieve the best results whatever the project you are involved in'......
08/05/2014 19:56
'It is true that the moving finger writes and having writ moves on - so remember what has been done remains firmly in the past do not drag it with you into the Now and the Future'.....
07/05/2014 22:24
'Each new day will bring with new lessons and new situations that must be dealt with - stay centred'....
06/05/2014 22:04
It is hard to draw a line between being caring and supportive and interfering - go with your inner feelings'.....
05/05/2014 19:50
'Do approach each new day with a fresh insight and an open-ness of heart'......
04/05/2014 18:06
'Count each small blessing in your life and you will see that you are truly blessed in every area'.....
03/05/2104 21:57
'Always be ther to hold a helping hand when some-one you know is in need of help and support'.....
02/05/2014 20:29
'Life is easier when one learns to go with the flow and not fight it'........
01/05/2014 21:11
'Listen to what is being shared, then listen to your heart and follow your intuition'.....
30/04/2014 22:33
'Get out into the garden, park or surrounding countryside whenever the sun is shining and you have time to spare - be one with nature'.....
29/04/2014 21:16
'Try to stay on top of your jobs and tasks - they do have a tendency to mount up and become problematic'......
28/04/2014 20:34
'Enjoy getting involved in puzzles or any situation that requires you to dig deeply into your intellect'....
27/04/2014 21:32
'Enjoy each new challenge that enters into your life - they all lead to expanded awareness'.....
26/04/2014 22:21
'Be careful when volunteering for some venture or other - you may bite off more than you can chew'....
25/04/2014 21:10
You create your own reality in every moment'......
24/04/2014 19:18
'Be the light and love that you are and let your light shine forth'.....
23/04/2014 22:07
'When in the company of those whose understanding is different from your own try to remain open minded, there may be some new information being shared that you need'....
22/04/2014 22:17
'Enjoy those moments of deep silence - withdraw further into it and be at one with all there is'.....
21/04/2014 20:59
''Love is - all things that are filled with light and goodness'.....
20/04/2014 21:03
'When in doubt... It is not always possible to sit on the fence, sometimes a decision just has to be made - go with your intuition'.....
20/04/2014 09:28
'May the Grace of God be with you at this special time of the year'......
18/04/2014 22:20
'Whenever you feel alone just go within and know that you are a part of the One '.....
17/04/2014 21:02
''When you are in doubt listen to the whispering of the still small voice of your Soul'.....
16/04/2014 22:18
'Recognise the one-ness of all of Creation and life will flow more smoothly'.....
15/04/2014 22:11
'Look to the world of nature for your inspiration today - look at its beauty and its strength'......
14/04/2014 23:46
'Seeds of spiritual understanding are planted within the mind and flower slowly - as do the beautiful flowers of nature'.....
13/04/2014 21:07
'You can learn all that you need to on your own doorstep amongst those you love - you need look no further'.......
12/04/2014 20:16
'Try not to take onboard any of the negativity of those around you - it will serve no purpose'.....
11/04/2014 21:34
'Trust that everything is as it should be - do not judge life as good, bad or indifferent, just BE'.....
10/04/2014 19:12
'There is wisdom to be gained from words spoken to others - take this wisdom onboard.....
09/04/2014 22:11
'Your body is the temple that houses your Soul - take good care of it, love it and nurture it'.....
08/04/2014 21:46
'Never, ever put off for tomorrow what should be done today - for in putting something off one may well miss out on an opportunity that will never again present itself'.....
07/04/2014 21:06
'Life's journey is one of learning - every situation you will meet is a lesson in disguise - enjoy the journey'.....
06/04/2014 22:06
'Each new day brings new joy's and new adventure's - so remain centred in the moment'......
05/04/2014 20:22
'Trust in the power of your own 'soul/self' and walk within the strength of who you are'....
04/04/2014 16:25
'Look and analyse your next step - do not rush in without thought'.......
03/04/2014 14:59
'Friends and loved ones are an important part of one's day to day life - always let them know your love for them'....
02/04/2014 16:41
'Stand tall in your own light - be proud of who you are'........
01/04/2014 11:16
'Stand tall in your own light - be proud of who you are'........
01/04/2014 11:16
'Look at the world around you and take pleasure from its natural beauty'......
31/03/2014 19:55
'FOCUS is the name of the game, it will bring forth positive results'....
30/03/2014 21:58
'Think twice or even a third time before embarking on any new venture'.....
29/03/2014 18:24
'Life is a gift - embrace each moment and live it to the full'........
28/03/2014 18:55
'Your good deeds build up good karma - it is like having money in the bank'.....
27/03/2014 18:00
'In the face of adversity always stay centred and strong'......
26/03/2014 16:23
'Be there for those who need your help and support - do not count the cost'.......
25/03/2014 19:59
'Allow your love to light up the lives of those you meet today'......
24/03/2014 19:42
'Allow your love to light up the lives of those you meet today'......
24/03/2014 19:42
'Each day is special and unique - step into it with strength, courage and an open-ness of heart and mind'.......
23/03/2014 11:09
''Life should be lived to its fullest, enjoy each day as if it is the only day you have'.....
22/03/2014 10:22
'Preparation - when one is prepared, things do have a tendency to go more smoothly, so prepare your agenda each morning for the day ahead'.....
21/03/2014 09:19
'When airing your personal views try to do so compassionately'......
20/03/2014 21:55
Changed format

19th March 2014


‘When your plans involve others – show consideration and share them with those who need to know’…..


18th March 2014


'Truth is essential and is the easier path to walk for telling lies one must have an amazing memory'.....


17th March 2014


'Be in harmony with nature - take time out today to appreciate the beauty that is the natural kingdom'.....


16th March 2014


'It is your duty to live life to the full and feel the joy of being alive'......


15th March 2014


‘Count your blessing – embrace those around you who love you and support you, and be there for them when they need you support and love’…..


13th March 2014

‘Some days are calm – at these times enjoy the peace and if possible seek the solitude and recharge your batteries’……


12th March 2014


‘Be positive today and watch others around you change their attitude and join you in your positivity’…..


11th March 2014

When the sun is shining allow it to send its healing and uplifting rays throughout your physical form – enjoy the feeling of warmth that pervades your whole being’…..


10th March 2014 

'Some days all will go according to the plans laid out, other days are a little more chaotic - just be in the moment'........

8/9th March 2014

Hi, I am sorry to have to report that I have been unable to update my website since Friday 7th, this has been due to no internet connection. I have been helping my daughter to move house and we had no telephone/internet connection. I am back at my desk now so all is well..... Love and Light, Diane.

7th March 2014

'Some days it will take all your strength of mind to remain focused andto complete a simple task'......

6th March 2014

'Life can be difficult - try to approach these problems with a clear and open mind'.....

5th March 2014

‘Forgiveness – it is easy to say the word, but not so easy to find the energy of forgiveness in your heart’….


4th March 2014 

‘Try not to interfere with the path that those you love choose to walk – be there to hold out a helping hand if it is needed’.


3rd March 2014

‘Always remember when you ask for the truth to be presented to you then it is your responsibility to look at all that comes forward’…..

2nd March 2014

‘You should always try to be supportive to those you love and care about’….. 


1st March 2014


‘Be at peace with those around you and feel your inner peace grow stronger’…..


28th February 2014

‘Be alert – listen and you will hear the still small voice of the Soul within’…..


27th February 2014

‘Look for new information in all areas of your life – explore it thoroughly before embracing it, it mus resonate within’…..


26th February 2014

‘When giving anything to anyone – please give it unconditionally’…..


25th February 2014 

‘Whenever you feel confused – do nothing in haste, spend time thinking about the situation’…..


24th February 2014

‘Watch carefully - Mother Nature is busy preparing for the Spring and the rebirth of beautiful plants and flowers’……


23rd February 2014


‘Resistance to new information is natural – but be open and explore what is presented’…..


22nd February 2014

‘It is hard to please all those around you – all of the time, remember this fact’…..


21st February 2014


‘Well intentioned actions can sometimes been seen as interference – watch and learn’…..


20th February 2014


‘Truth will always resonate at some deep level within’……


19th February 2014


‘There is so much information being given out about the future of humanity – it is hard to know what is true and what is false. Just follow your heart and mind’…..


18th February 2014


‘Today, take some time out of your daily routine to find time to relax and laugh – allow the child to play’…..


17th February 2014


‘Positive intent results in positive action’…..


16th February 2014


'Hold out a helping hand in any way you can – it may surprise you just how you can be of help in many different situations’…….


15th February 2014


‘You will find the information you need for your journey of Soul Growth in many places, not just in books but also in every day happenings’…..


14th February 2014


‘Love is what makes the world go around, but loving others should not be saved for special days but should be sent forth every day’…..


13th February 2014


'Listen to the still small voice within whenever you ask for help or guidance - be still and listen'.....


12th February 2014 


‘Have faith that when you send out prayers, thoughts, request, all will be answered, but maybe not in the way you expect to be answered, remain strong in the knowledge that you will be answered’…..


11th February 2014


‘Be true to yourself, go with your gut feeling when there is a decision to be made’…..


10th February 2014 


‘Life is full of surprises, just go with the flow and all will be well’…..


9th February 2014


‘Life is energy in motion – create harmony with the energies that are in your life’…..


8th February 2014


‘When you examine the smallest piece of information you can find both the positive and negative aspects of it’……


7th Febriuary 2014


‘Look for the answers to your prayers in the happenings of your day’…..


6th February 2014 


‘By being supportive you are actively helping others to achieve their goals and in doing so also helping yourself’…….


5th February 2014 


‘There are times when we are the student and times when we are the teacher’…..


4th February 2014 


‘Love conquers all – embrace each moment and look forward with anticipation’…..


3rd January 2014


‘You should be open and listen to the ideas and ideals of others but you do not have to argue or take them onboard as your own’…..


2nd February 2014


'Life can be so difficult, when problems arise and appear to hard to handle place them at the feet of the Father and ask for his help'.....

1st February 2014

'Enjoy time spent with friends, especially those who are like-minded for much can be learned without effort’….

.31st January 2014

‘Trust in your connection with the Universal life force’…..


30th January 2014


‘It is true that when one takes their awareness of a project things can and often do go wrong – be focused’…..


29th January 2014

‘Lift up your heart and mind and be open to the inspiration that surrounds you at all times’…..


28th January 2014

‘Sharing time with like minded people in earnest discussion is positive – just be open to all that is shared for there may be a pearl of wisdom within it’…..


27th January 2014

‘Share your good fortune with those around you and your blessings will be multiplied’…


26th January 2014

When your energy levels are low this is your own body and its defence system of telling you to take some time out and relax - listen’…..

25th January 2014

‘When new people enter into your life, be prepared for new energies to play their part and bring about changes’…..


24th January 2014

'Support one another and remember that in unity lies strength'...........


23rd January 2014

'Remember that your karma is tied up with the karma of those around you - often progress can be slow'.....

22nd January 2014

'Nurture yourself and keep yourself well so that you can achieve all you set out to achieve'.......

21st January 2014

'It is necesary to  take extra care of yourself when those around you are suffering from minor winter ailments'.....

20th January 2014

'Often one must sit quietly and wait for the right moment to proceed - never act in haste´.....

19th January 2014

'Patience is most certainly a virtue that one must work at enhancing'......

18th January 2014

'Look for the Divine Spark in all those you meet as you journey through life'......