
Definition: - Ley-lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book 'The Old Straight Track' brought the alignments to the attention of the wider public'.

Ley Lines are associated with spiritual and mystical theories and are believed to be pathways of planetary energies covering the face of our planet along which a number of geographic, historical monuments and churches are found. The Chinese believe that our bodies are energised by a network of energy lines known by them as Meridians in much the same fashion.


One popular thought is that birds, mammals, and other life forms use these leys/pathways/lines of energy to migrate from place to place.


I have visited places like Avebury, Glastonbury, Stonehenge and many old ruined Abbeys and Monasteries here in the UK and abroad, just to work with the energies. The famous St Michael's Ley runs from Penzance to Great Yarmouth passing through Stonehenge and Avebury, both famous henges. It is thought that where these ley-lines cross one another they create a vortex. There are many leys running across Britain and the planet, they often make geometric forms on the face of the earth. My understanding is that energy can be both masculine and feminine, positive and negative and can flow in one or two directions within the same line. You must trust your awareness when you work with these energies, ask questions and the dowser/dowsing rods will answer.


For those who are able to feel energies it is quite possible to feel a change in one's energy field when one is working with this planetary energy. It is felt as a tingling sensation or an slight irritation in one of one's chakras, and possibly through the feet or through the centre of the top of the head. I personally feel the energies through my crown chakra and solar plexus. One of my friends always felt the energies through her feet. I am an 'Air' sign and she is an 'Earth' sign.... coincidence, I think not!!!


My interest in ley-lines was not a planned venture, it opened up quite by accident one sunny afternoon when a friend an myself became aware of a change in our energy field as we walked around an old ruined castle and its ground. We started to work with an energy spot - I picked up the one aspect, my friend at the rear picked up the other aspect and my daughter with her dowser picked up the central which is the neutral aspect. We plotted quite a number of these energy spots and marked them out, strangely all the energies seemed to come together in one spot. Luckily for us we were able to purchased a plan of the castle and its ground. Guess what – the energy come together in the old castle Chapel. We spoke to one of the locals and she said that as a child she had often played in the old castle and had never ever felt comfortable in the area that was the chapel, she said it always spooked her. She was obviously aware of the increase of energy in that area.


If you wish to try working with earth's energies and ley-lines all you need is a dowser, some dowsing rods and your awareness and open mind. When I first started dowsing I used my awareness and physical body, as did my friend and my daughter used a piece of local stone tied around with a piece of leather thong to make up a dowser. This was all very exciting and led to my interest in energy, in all its forms and has provided many hours of enjoyment over the past 30 years.


My experience with ley-lines that day has led me to a life-long interest in our own electro-magnetic energy field, I trained as a Reflexologist and a Spiritualist Healer. For me earth energy and planetary energy is very real, I feel it, some see it as ripples in the air that surround us. The ancients believed in these energies and utilised them in their day to day lives.


The Australian Aborigines have their 'dream-time', this was when the 'Gods walked the Earth' and formed the 'turingas' which are important pathways over the face of planet earth.  They believe that these pathways are energised at certain times of the year and that messges can be received via these pathways over long distances.


Around 16 ancient tracks have also been found in Mexico, one famous one is the Mayan 'Sache', there is one that is over 50 miles long leading to the temple at Chichen-itza in the Yucatan. The Inca's had the spirit-lines (ceques) with the centre being the temple of the Sun in Cuzco. Many more of these leys/pathways can be found in South America.


I hope this short introduction to Ley-lines and Earth's energy has caught your attention, stimulated an interest and that you start to listen to your body. It is hard to be in touch with the earth today, especially when one is living in a built-up area with concrete between oneself and the living earth. Take a walk out into the countryside, visit the park, walk along the side of the local river or canal. If you have an old Abbey site or ruined church or castle, pay it a visit. Take a dowser or a pair of dowsing rods (you can make a pair from an old metal coat hanger – Γx2, hold these, one in each hand, not too tightly and trust, let go of logic and go into the inspirational aspect of yourself).


There is a multitude of information about ley-lines at hand on the web. Happy ley-line hunting!! Allow the child within to play!! Let me know if you are successful.

Diane Morgan. ©

Ley-Lines 2

Ley-lines - 2

11/05/2012 20:14
    There is a very interesting planetary alignment just days away which will affect two major Earth energy lines (ley-lines)  also known as Dragon lines. These are found encircling our planet and are known as the ‘Plumed Serpent’ or Great Male Dragon line, and the ‘Rainbow...