The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (C)

I thought that a short overview of 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' would help those who are interested in taking up the practice of Yoga. It is not simply a series of Asana's, it is the path to Enlightenment.


There are a number of translations of The Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali to be purchased and they will each have the views of the individual authors, but the underlying message will be the same. As with all things, each will have their own perspective and understanding of the great Maharishi's words which were written over 2,000 years ago. He was also known as Govinda Yogindra - which means 'The Light Filled King of the Yogis', and was said to be a 'Fully Enlightened Being'. He was known as a Maharishi; it is said that a Maharishi is one who has Ascended into Unified Consciousness.


In the days when Patanjali was practicing and teaching his system of Yoga his students would give their whole life over to these spiritual practices, they could, if they so wished, withdraw into a cave and spend their days in meditation and contemplation. Not so in today's world which is one of hustle and bustle, those who wish to find the time to withdraw have to be disciplined and put time to one side on a regular basis.


Patanjali's Sutras are not, as a lot of people think a complex series of Asana's (postures) but are in fact a series of statements. So a Sutra is in actual fact simply a statement - a thread! The root of yoga is 'yug' to join together, and Yoga is the Science of Union. These Sutras are made up of four quarters, or stages - these stages are meant to help the practitioner to attain the state of becoming a 'Fully Enlightened Being'. There are also the 'Eight Limbs of Yoga' to consider, and they play their part in your growth and help to stabilise Ascendant Consciousness.


In our daily lives we experience three states of being, these are waking, sleeping and dreaming. Our goal, when we practice Yoga and Meditation along with the study of the Sutras is to access a fourth level of consciousness, this is known as Ascendant Consciousness.


Let us look a little closer at the Four Quarters. These are:

  • Samadhi Pada,

  • Sadhana Pada,

  • Vibhuti Pada,

  • Kaivalya Pada.


The first quarter looks at the Samadhi Pada - this is the art of Concentration. In this first quarter there are 51 Sutras/statements to help you gain the expanded state, the connection with the Source, the Mind of God, the One/Oneness, or whatever it is that you believe to be at the centre of all life. I know this level of consciousness as Ascendant Consciousness. These 51 Sutras are helping one to become more focused and centred. At this level of consciousness you will become aware of being in an expanded state, a deep state of stillness and one will find stress dissipates after time spent in this state. Thoughts may still wander onto the blank canvas of the mind but the secret is in just letting them float in and then out, so not worry about them do not give them energy by focusing on them. This state of being is not your ultimate goal, it is just a stepping stone along the way. You will understand more about yourself and your life patterns. Making changes and letting go of old destructive patterns of the 'Mind' will become easier, growth - Soul Growth ensues.


The second quarter looks at Sadhana Pada - Practice and discipline - this section has 55 Sutras. This helps the practitioner of Yoga and Meditation to move to a higher level of awareness or consciousness into the state known as Perpetual Consciousness. Here the 'Eight Limbs of Yoga' play their part but remember that when the body grows the limbs grow simultaneously, we will discuss these 'eight limbs' in greater depth later. Kriya Yoga - self discipline is discussed, as are the Kleshas (these are obstacles to our spiritual growth). Postures are known as Asanas, breathing - Pranayama, and Pratyahara is the inward journey we make (all these are part of the 'Eight Limbs of Yoga'). So with practice and discipline we are able to stabilise the state of Perpetual Consciousness which is also know as the first stage of Enlightenment.


The third quarter is Vibhuti Pada - this is also known as the second stage of Enlightenment, and the practitioner should be able to attain both Exalted and Unified Consciousness. This section has 56 Sutras to study and takes a deep look at the final three limbs of the 'Eight Limbs of Yoga', this is where true transformation takes place, we become aware of the 'Siddhis', these are the gifts of the Universal Soul, God, Oneness that are shared with those who connect at that level of awareness. These Siddhis (gifts) can sidetrack us, they help us to connection with our Guides, Angelic Beings, loved ones who have passed to the higher side of life, do not allow these gifts to distract you from your true purpose - Enlightenment. Do not become attached to these psychic gifts as they will tie one to the Ego, your purpose is Soul Growth - always keep that thought in 'focus'. At this level Chakras and the Cosmos are discussed and what part they have to play.


The fourth quarter is Kaivalya Pada - this is Unified Consciousness - The Goal, Enlightenment and has 34 Sutras. Kaivlaya means Liberation and that is what Enlightenment is. Liberation from Maya which is Illusion. Freedom from the 'Vale of Maya' - the Valley or Place of Illusion which is what Planet Earth in truth is. This is the state of awareness where we rise above and let go of all that chains us to old patterns, where we learn to 'be in the world but not of it' where you are able to function in your daily affairs but are truly connected to your Soul. You may experience being out of body, old wounds and illness will be healed and life becomes easier. This where you hold the light and show others the way forward.


Light and Love, Namaste.

Diane Morgan (C)



Eight Limbs of Yoga


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